Bongos Bingo
Beer, Bingo and a booming soundtrack. The British on a night out at Bongos Bingo.
Life inside Siberian Gulags.
The Amazon - In search of Brasil's uncontacted Indigenous people
Funai's search for The Amazons uncontacted indigenous people.
Somalia 2022- The Looming Famine.
Food shortages, climate change and internal security issues have all contributed to the looming famine in Somalia.
Royal Succession
Royal succession in four images.
"Sudden from Heaven like a weeping cloud" John Keats.
A documentary project looking at the Rise of Multi Drug Related Tuberculosis.
Citizen's of Our Time
'First they Ignore you, then they Laugh at you, then they Fight you, then you Win.' A multi year collaborative, mixed media project aiming to create an archive of campaigners across the UK since 1997.
Straightliners Drag Race
"Its new tarmac, drivers. We need to lay down some rubber and get it going,”
Country Shows
Country Shows in Yorkshire, UK.
Trauma - 24 hours
Documenting the work of the emergency trauma services.
The Gig
'To-' 'Music, when soft voices die, Vibrates in the memory....' Percy Shelley. As coronavirus closed down the live music industry. Here we revisit those personal moments of joy and feel the music that we love.
Documenting the Anti Fracking Movement.
Documenting the protest movement that grew up in opposition to proposed Shale Gas production in Kirby Misperton, North Yorkshire, UK.
Atalaia do Norte
Atalaia do Norte is the nearest town to the protected Amazon reserve of Vale do Javari, Brazil. It was also my first opportunity to start making images after a weeks travelling to the Amazon. 'Going for a 'walk' with the camera watching, seeing and meeting people is for me the beauty of this profession.